"Culprits Behind Insomnia"
Have you
ever wondered why aren’t you getting a good night’s sleep? No matter how much
you focus on counting backwards, you are still staring at the wall above your
head, if that’s what you are going through, than keep reading as I will uncover
some important reasons, which tricks the brain into sleeplessness and make you
look like a zombie the next morning. In this article my main focus is on how insomnia
affects our brain, factors causing insomnia, and how to combat it?
But before
we jump into uncovering the culprits, we should first understand what the
doctors are regarding this problem as. This problem of sleep deprivation is
actually called Insomnia, which is a sleep disorder and is the main culprit
behind the difficulty of falling and/or staying asleep. Scientists and sleep
experts have long acknowledged the fact that there is an essential and direct connection
between the quality of sleep and improved mental health.
According to
a recent study, in which the effects of insomnia on the sleep deprived patients
were examined, and their brain activity was compared with the average sleepers.
The study led to a conclusion that sleep-deprived patients have weakened connections
in one part of their brain responsible for controlling sleep and consciousness.
This part of the brain is called Thalamus, as you might have heard about it
before as it is an amazing area which controls many other important features of
our mind and body.
Anyways, MRI
scans showed that our poor Thalamus gets messed up badly when we are sleep
deprived – consequently, that throws off our body’s biological clock. The
higher the degree of abnormality in the Thalamus, the worse the neural
connections - results in deprivation of sleep and depressive state in a person.
However, the
study did not give concrete evidence in order to determine whether the weaker
Thalamus connections are causing insomnia or if sleep deprivation itself
causing the connections to weaken. Nevertheless, the study has offered great
insights and new information has surfaced regarding the origin and treatment of
insomnia. In addition, Scientists have also discovered that sleep deprivation
has a great impact on your memory, focus, and mood. So they recommend that
catching a minimum of seven hours of sound sleep on a regular basis, will
definitely improve your cognitive ability and proven to keep the depression at
But what
brings our Thalamus into such a wretched form? You will now know, so sit tight!
Medical Conditions:
There is a
multitude of medical illnesses that can either directly or indirectly have a
great impact on your sleeping ability. Like for instance the diseases, which have
a direct effect on one’s sleep patterns, are; Endocrine disorders, which causes
hormonal imbalance in the body, and generalized body aches, muscular and joint
pains occurring over a long-term period, therefore, would evidently cause
difficulty in catching shut-eye.
Whereas other
conditions with their unbearable and uncomfortable symptoms are more prone
towards indirectly disturbing one’s sleep. These include: Asthma, Arthritis,
Sinus Allergies, Gastrointestinal problems resulting in acid reflux, and
Neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease – their symptoms might keep
you awake at night.
I would
suggest not to take insomnia lightly and do not become habitual of it as it
might have adverse effects on your body – consulting with your doctor about the
condition, and the course of treatment is the best strategy.
Mood Disorders:
disorder is another important contributing factor in insomnia. Depression and
anxiety are greatly to be blamed. If you are feeling overwhelmed, constantly
worrying about something, feeling sad, or less motivated then these emotional
changes might not let you get a good night sleep.
Poor Lifestyle Choices:
Adapting and
continually making poor lifestyle choices that have substantial negative effect
on your mind and body, includes: bringing work home, instead of using the
evening to relax and unwind; taking an excessive number of naps in the
afternoon, instead of sleeping early at night; and sleeping in late on weekends
to try to make up for lost sleep, causes disruption in your sleep-wake cycle. You
might need to consider changing these unhealthy habits. Especially those
workaholic kinds need to dial back and allow their mind and body to recharge by
having at least seven to eight hours of sleep, every day.
Unhealthy Habits:
unhealthy food, substances and practicing unhealthy activities can have a
significant effect on your mind and body. These include – alcohol, due to its
sedating effect that can cause sleep disturbances; caffeine and nicotine, on
the other hand, are stimulants these can cause insomnia if consumed close to
bedtime. Now you might love being a night owl and eating all the junk food, but
your body doesn’t and so does your brain.
Insomnia Effecting
Brain Function:
Our brain is
the most active part of our body, therefore, it needs to relax and turn-off for
a few hours, so it can reenergize for another day. This way our brain doesn’t
get exhausted and thus efficiently performs our day-to-day activities. You must
be wondering how insomnia affects our brain’s performance. It does that by
weakening your concentration, creativity and memory, besides that it also cause
mood swings. Insomnia also causes serious psychological effects such as;
hallucinations, mania, impulsive behavior, depression, paranoia, and suicidal
The wait is over as now I am going to reveal how to beat
insomnia and become a good sleeper? is simply by making some lifestyle
modifications. Apply these few changes to your life and you will be good to go
- avoid caffeine or nicotine before bedtime and instead opt for herbal tea
which will calm your nerves and gives a soothing effect, and also avoid taking unhealthy
meals just before turning in for the night. Relax! That doesn’t mean you have
to stop eating pizza, just do not eat it before bedtime. Besides investing in a
good memory foam mattress for your bed is a wise bet. As it has been shown to
provide therapeutic spinal support, relief from pressure on your joints and
also provides an ideal sleeping temperature.
Insomnia is the most commonly reported sleeping disorder, and 56% of general population is suffering from insomnia in the USA. But the silver lining is that it can be easily managed provided that prompt action is taken when the symptoms arise.
Dr. Paras Baloch
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